iUniverse brings you the lowdown on book awards

Posted on March 18, 2013 under iUniverse Advice
iUniverse pulitzer logo

iUniverse today is examining that historically chauvinistic bastion of the traditional book publishing world –Literary Awards. For any book to win a literary award is the ultimate accolade, however in the early days of indie books the traditional awards were …

iUniverse Footnotes March 2013 Author Challenge

Posted on March 12, 2013 under iUniverse Advice
iUniverse John Steinbeck

This month’s iUniverse Footnotes author challenge is as follows: Give us your famous author who inspires and influences your writing the most and why? Submit your answer as a comment to this post before midnight (EST) or 5:00pm (GMT) on …

iUniverse Reviews Pilar Lastra

iUniverse self-published author Pilar Lastra appears very confident under the limelight that is LA,  but it would be presumptuous to assume  that she didn’t struggle with the same insecurities while writing her book that almost every other writer struggles with. The iUniverse Rising Star author …

iUniverse Advice: Your Tribe Awaits at Amazon

Posted on March 3, 2013 under iUniverse Advice
iUniverse Author's Advice | Find Fans at Amazon

In self-publishing, the key word is self. An independent author can’t afford to simply publish a book, kick back, and wait for the world to take notice. Like tribes in the deep jungle untouched by the outside world, your fans await, but they must be found.

iUniverse blog talks over lunch

Posted on February 1, 2013 under iUniverse Advice

iUniverse has discovered a connection today that is worth using to provide author advice. Today was the birthday of Christina Foyle, of the legendary bookshop Foyles, in 1911 and the final time in 1969 that The Beatles played together live …

“Within Arm’s Length”  by, iUniverse self-published author, Dan Emmett, is a memoir of his US Secret Service career during which he guarded three presidents. Now “Within Arm’s Length” has hit the heights of being 6th in the Amazon Best Sellers …

iUniverse Footnotes January 2013 Author Challenge

Posted on January 13, 2013 under iUniverse Advice

This month’s challenge is as follows: Tell us what the best book you read in 2012* was, who the author is and why you liked it so much. Submit your answer as a comment to this post before midnight (EST) …

October 6th is Star Wars Reads Day

Posted on October 3, 2012 under iUniverse Advice
Star War reads day

iUniverse and the world will celebrate Star Wars and reading on October 6th. A number of special events are planned, so visit the official page for more information to find one in your area.

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