Susan Norris further discusses “Rescuing Hope” and the film “Caged No More”

iUniverse continues its exciting interview with Susan Norris, whose novel Rescuing Hope has elevated her to being considered an expert on human trafficking. Below, we talk with Susan about her involvement with the upcoming film, Caged No More.

Please tell us a little about your involvement with the film Caged No More . . .

NorrisLori Twichell, marketing specialist for Caged No More, reached out to me to see if I was interested in serving as an expert for this production. They needed someone to not only educate their team about trafficking, but to also serve as a resource for churches who partner with this project.

This was a wonderful opportunity to further the cause of Rescuing Hope by educating people across America about the issue of sex trafficking in America and how they can step into the fight.

Caged No More is a way to introduce churches to the fight against human trafficking and begin the conversation necessary to impact this issue. Human Trafficking is a real issue and it’s not going away on its own. We have to unite and work as one to eradicate this evil from our country and our world.

What other events, marketing ideas or promotions do you have planned for your book?

I am taking advantage of iUniverse’s offer to use Book Grabber to help promote Rescuing Hope on social media. I’ve had a great response so far.

I also promote the book through speaking engagements across the country and reach out to front line organizations and offer it to them as a teaching tool.

What was your favorite part of your publishing experience, overall and with iUniverse?

NorrisMy favorite part about the publishing experience was seeing something go from personal knowledge to shared knowledge through the tool of a book. I love books and after writing one myself, I have a great respect for the time and effort it takes to produce one. It’s hard work. One of the greatest blessings of this process was having readers reach out to me and share how Rescuing Hope had impacted them.

If you’re a speaker and you share your message, it can impact the people in the room with you. If you’re a writer and you share your message, it can impact the world.

Finally, what advice would you give to aspiring authors?

Just write. You never know if there is a story inside of you until you start writing. If God has deposited a message in your heart, it is for you to share. You don’t have to know how to do everything related to writing a book. There are wonderful people and tools out there to help you through the process. iUniverse was part of the team that helped me move from an idea in my heart to a book in my hands.

Many thanks to Susan for her illuminating responses and guidance! We look forward to following the progress of both Raising Hope and Caged No More.

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