iUniverse learns from Rising Star author, Lisa K. Drucker Part 6

In this excellent how to create a book series of posts from iUniverse blog guest author, Lisa K. Drucker, we have looked at the writing process, characterization, establishing character(s) points of view, setting the scene and use of dialogue, now in this final blog post iUniverse rising star awardLisa tells all about her mechanisms for writing.

Creating a Book-The Mechanics of Writing

iUniverse Book Writing

Everyone’s writing method is different. I write a full first draft, not worrying about grammar, punctuation, etc. “Not worrying” is a relative description, because I’m also an editor, so I do correct mistakes I make as I notice them—I just can’t help it! The point here is that the purpose of the first draft is story flow, not writing mechanics. Rewriting phases address mechanical errors in writing.

I edit heavily during the rewrite phases. These vary from book to book, but I usually do at least three full overhauls. Once I’m satisfied with the rewrites, I edit from start to finish, pretending I’m the editor, not the writer. I will caution that it is extremely difficult to self-edit effectively if you’re not a trained editor. In addition to the difficulty of being objective about your own work, there are a lot of things that editing professionals will easily spot, advise on, and correct, but that laypeople won’t even notice.

After you are satisfied with your self-editing, and regardless of whether friends, relatives, or writing colleagues have reviewed your work, consider seeking an objective opinion from a professional editor. I always get a professional evaluation from writing and editing colleagues, even though, as a professional editor, I execute the actual edits myself.

The Editorial Freelancers Association at www.the-efa.org, is a great place to find professional editors suited to your particular type of book. You can also learn more by visiting my editing website, www.lisadrucker.com.”

iUniverse Editors ChoiceThanks Lisa

iUniverse Arise O Pheonix

iUniverse 100,000th ebook by Rising Star author Lisa K. Drucker

iUniverse publishing would like to extend to Rising Star author, Lisa K. Drucker, our sincere thanks for giving us this full insight into her book development and writing process and we wish her every success with this novel, “Arise O Phoenix”, and all her future books.

To learn more about Lisa and her book, “Arise O Phoenix”, a story of love, fate and the strength of the human spirit set against the backdrop of 9/11, take a look at her website and get a preview of the book here.

See the full “iUniverse learns from Rising Star author, Lisa K. Drucker” series of blog posts here.

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